品牌世研 | 有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2024-11-27 16:35 |
电 源AC380V,50Hz三相五线 | 整机重量200kg | 螺杆直径16-25mm(可选) |
浏览次数9 |
科研院校 企业研发打样用 小型吹膜试验机 塑料吹膜机
本机主要用于检测聚合物材料的吹膜可行性和材料内的胶质状况,以及有色分散物、控制混合物、挤出物的分散性。本机结构紧凑,可放在实验台上操作,占地面积小,适合大专院校、科研院校及工厂实验室使用。This machine is mainly used to detect the feasibility of blowing film of polymer materials and the colloidal state within the material, as well as the dispersion of colored dispersions, control mixtures, and extrudates. This machine has a compact structure and can be operated on an experimental platform, with a small floor area. It is suitable for use in universities, scientific research institutions, and factory laboratories.
典型应用Typical Application
■ 凝胶Gelatin
■ 颜色分布Color distribution
■ 测试色母料的分散性能Test the dispersive property of color masterbatch
■ 材料的加工特性Material processing properties
■ 质量控制Quality control