品牌世研 | 有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2024-11-27 16:35 |
电 源AC380V,50Hz三相五线 | 整机重量300kg | 混炼室容量0.5升~5升(可选) |
浏览次数7 |
实验室用密炼机 小型开合式密炼机 手动密炼机 混炼机
本机主要用于各种高分子材料的混合密炼。本机采用PLC可编程控制器,彩色触摸屏,人机界面操作系统,混炼进程自动完成,操作简单,节能**,适用于科研院校或各大厂商对新材料的开发和生产工艺的确定。This machine is mainly used for mixing various polymer materials. This machine adopts PLC programmable controller, color touch screen, human-machine interface operating system, automatic mixing process, simple operation, energy-saving and efficient, suitable for scientific research institutions or major manufacturers to determine the development of new materials and production process.
典型应用Typical Application
■ 配方研发 Formula R & D
■ 原料检验Testing of raw materials
■ PVC熔融特性测试PVC melting feature testing
■ PVC干混料的塑化剂吸收测试PVC plasticizer absorption testing of dry blend
■ 聚合物的热、剪切稳定性测试Thermal and shear stability testing of polymer
■ XLPE材料的交联特性测定Cross-linking feature testing of XLPE material
■ 其他交联性聚合物的流动和固化行为研究The flow of other cross-linked polymers and curing behavioral research