品牌云峰 | 有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2025-01-10 07:11 |
浏览次数202 |
1500L中低浓除渣器 造纸设备及配件
中低浓除渣器是纸浆净化 进设备,尤其是净化废纸纸浆效果更佳,是废纸再生利用不可或缺的设备之 。设备采用“蜗牛式”进浆,充分的解决了除渣器进浆射流干扰除渣浆流的弊端,保证良好的除渣效果,也降低了压力损耗。
Low Consistency Cleaner is one of the advanced equipment pulp purification equipment, especially the better purification paper pulp, waste paper recycling indispensable. Equipment using "snail's pace" into pulp, fully solve the Cleaner Cleaner slurry into the slurry jet stream interference drawbacks, slag ensure good effect, but also reduces the pressure loss. Zibo yunfeng industrial ceramics co., LTD
The device using a wide, both for the high consistency pulp roughing cleaned before the machine can also be used for selection of a low concentration pulp purification.